Game, Set, Knit

Over the last few years, knitting has been brought up in tennis conversations; did you notice? In 2011, Conor Niland of Ireland, served up a few caps for the innocent hat project. A woman was spotting knitting at a center court match during Wimbledon in 2012. This year, Red Barn Yarn is happy to continue this trend with the Wimbledon Shawl!

Love of knitting magazine Wimbledon Shawl

Found in Love of Knitting’s Knit Accessories issue, the Wimbledon Shawl is composed of three sections. Each represents a different element in a tennis match, making this piece a creative way to show your love of this classic sport. Click here to be taken to Love of Knitting’s website, where you can purchase the issue that contains the Wimbledon Shawl.

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This shawl can also be done in red, white & blue, if your tournament of choice is the US Open! Red Barn Yarn has put together kits for this pattern (yarn only!). If you are interested in ordering a kit, please send an email to Payment is processed through PayPal at this time. An invoice will be sent to the email address provided in the order. Each kit includes 2 skeins of Red Barn Yarn Worsted (1 each Amethyst and Tennis Net, or 1 each Holiday Red and Flag Blue) and 20 yards of the “net strap” yarn. The kit price is $55.00, S&H is $5.00.

We hope you enjoy the tournament, indulge in strawberries and cream with Pimms, and enjoy building your skills while you knit the Wimbledon Shawl!

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